Brink Brock 200M
Reg#: 2187389
Fullblood Fleckvieh
Sire: Driver • Dam: Brink Babe KO18
DOB: 1/13/02
BW: 82 lbs.
Gestation length: 277 days
205 Day weight: 872 lbs.
365 Day weight: 1410 lbs.
Marble Score: Choice
Loin: 17. 3
Frame: 6. 5
Scrotal: 41 cm
BROCK is the most exciting young bull we have raised with all things measured. He has CLARINDA and SHAMU for his grandmothers and BABE, that did an outstanding job for first calf heifer. BROCK is backed by many strong Fleckvieh sires. Driver, Balu, C&B Western II, Siegfried, King Arthur, Arnie 8M, Romulus, Rage, and Moses. Brock has tremendous thickness and balance; moves like a cat.