We are very optimistic about Fleckviehs and what they have to offer to a practical breeding program geared towards the commercial man's needs. Well-bred pure line genetics generate more heterosis and offspring uniformity.

What are Fleckvieh Simmentals? Fleckvieh is the strain of Simmental that originated in Germany and Austria where they were bred for meat and milk production for generations.

Since our beginning in 1984, we have searched out what we feel are some of the very dominant cow families in the full Fleckvieh strain and acquired the best we could find. With embryo transfer, we have been able to intensify our elite females. All of our foundation females are daughters or granddaughters of direct imports from Germany or Austria.


If you breed for excellent females the males will come!
When you purchase Brink Genetics you are getting elite females constantly being tied together through their offspring. The stronger you make your females the more offspring stability you have.


Herd bulls are the route to tapping into dominant females. We have found, through the years of breeding livestock, that if you want to get the strength of a male, you keep a son out of one of his top daughters. The following herd bulls represent the phono-geno type of their ancestors we are building with.


  • As our cost of production has raised over the years, our best game plan has been to produce more pounds in less time and turn your dollars quicker - the most for the least.

  • Fleckviehs are definitely different in their phenotype and prepotency when compared to other strains of Simmentals. What makes Fleckviehs so prepotent is the fact they were developed under very practical criteria and, most of all, breed purity was maintained.

  • The Fleckvieh females excel at calving ease, fertility, longevity and are easy keepers.

  • Some of the most unique characteristics of the Fleckviehs are their early accelerated growth with ease of fleshing on a moderate frame with excellent carcass cutability.

  • Under proper pasture management and good genetics set your goals at 100 lbs. per month on steer calves. When you hang more muscle on a skeleton in the right balance more good things happen!

  • We have found that Fleckvieh offer more performance on a smaller frame than most all other breeds. We all know that frame can get to big and cause cattle to mature to late for our market.