Welcome to Brink Genetics’ 2025 Bull & Female Offering
We would like to say Thank You to our customers and visitors from the US and around the world. Our Fleckvieh genetics are throughout the United States, in 27 foreign countries along with bordering neighbors Mexico and Canada. It is your input and conversations about your operations that assist us in building Fleckviehs to generate profit for you. This marks our 35th year of breeding Full Blood Fleckviehs. Our 130 head cow herd is of Full Fleckvieh breeding from the German and Austria herd book.
2024 will be a historic year for the American cattleman as the tide has changed strong to improved profitability compared to previous years. Some say cattle are high but compared to everything else the industry is getting closer to a fair share which is well deserved by all the hard work, time, and investment it takes to put beef on the consumer’s plate. We give thanks to our ancestors for putting their determination into the cattle business and allowing it to grow into the next generation.
We are getting reports of producers harvesting 16 month old steers weighing 1600#. The packer is accepting heavier carcasses and the trend will continue as they already have done this in the swine industry. Taking cattle to heavier weights demands a strong skeleton and foundation to withstand the stress of carrying a bigger load. Look at Brink Fleckvieh to create a strong foundation and harvest 100#/month.
We have customers selling red and black hided cattle at the top of the calf market. Once these cattle feeders finish a set of the Brink Fleckvieh calves they do not forget all the good benefits, and they are on the seats to buy them again. As improved technology with more traceability comes to the cattle industry, quality reputation cattle will demand premiums.
This year we are offering 17 open heifers that are genetically fined tuned from their ancestral lineage as we have worked with these lines for generations. These gals have the unlimited genetic capabilities as you can mate them pure or mate them to another breed in order to build an improved generation with high marketability. Building a great female allows herd stability.
The bull crop is strong with something for every kind of producer. Performance is what drives profitability. 100% of the offering is diluter free as we started testing in 2007 with Dr. Beaver. Our Fleckvieh genetics will compliment any female and capture the big boost in heterosis with accelerated performance. It is well documented throughout the industry the added value a F1 adds to profitability.
We are total herd enrolled within the American Simmental Association and 100% DNA tested.